Monday, March 23, 2009

Last Mintue Trail Ride.

After throwing hay, giving the horses lunch and shedding them in the sunshine my trainer asks us if we want to go for a trail ride (remember it's still sunny). So we tack up and it's spitting snow!!!! WHAT the heck I JUST saw the sun, oh well we went anyway...once we're half way up the road it OF COURSE the sun comes out again... Anyway it was fun and good for the horses they got exposed to a lot of different things, like lots ans lots of mud, dead deer and porcupine, you know normal stuff like that...kind of LOL!


Cross Country Adventures said...

love the new pics and you really saw a dead deer?!!!!eeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!:0

Cross Country Adventures said...

Hey i UPDATED my blog there new pics of the horses!:)

ranch girl said...

First: I KNOW! it was gross
Second: There's a shock!

Cross Country Adventures said...

i love the new pics so was it fun?we were going to go riding on sunday but my mom did not feel good!!!:(

Cross Country Adventures said...

Hey were going to go riding on saturday!!!!LOL!It will be fun!!

ranch girl said...

LUCKY we couldn't go ridin it was RAINING well u already know but...ya:(