Saturday, January 31, 2009

More and More ridin...

Today we went 2 the indoor, again. But this time we brought 3 horses, and 5 people!
My trainer, mom, best friend and I went along with my sister.

We brought, Baby, Misty, and Charlie !

We got a lot done, I cantered, and so did my mom and Brenda. My best friend rode Baby, it was an tiring day. Sorry I don't have pics or vids from the indoor 2day, there all on my trainers camera.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

2 Feet 2 Many.

Ok, we affially have 2 much snow. There has 2 be at least 2 or more feet out there. I don't like it, the horses probaly don't like having iceicals stuck to there mane, tail, and noses. And it's 2 COLD we would be lucky to get up to 30 degres in this weather!I know 4 a fact my trainer, my mom, and I don't enjoy freezing our butts off at the indoor, and nethier do our horses.

It's just too much, I can not wait until spring, being able to ride in our own arena and not have travel any were. And best 0f all u can't freeze your butt off!!!! Even Charlie agress with me!LOL I just resenlty added a video bar with more vids from the indoor and just some of my trainers horses.(birchridg)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Trust In Me.....

DAD DAD DAD ... finally he cowboy'd up!

My Dad ... cowboying up!My Mom helping....
Both very happy about this can you tell? :)

It will take time but they will get used to it!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

A Horse's Prayer

Oh My Master,
Do not only feed, water and care for me.
But when the days work is done, provide me with shelter,
a clean dry bed in a stall wide enough for me rest in comfort.
Always be kind to me.
Your voice often means as much to me as the reins.
Never beat strike or kick me when I don’t understand what you want,
instead give me the chance to understand you.
Pet me more often that I may love you and serve you with loyalty.
Always be sure that I am shod that I may serve you without tender feet.
And finally oh my master, when my useful days are gone,
do not turn me out to starve or freeze to death.
Do not sell me to a cruel owner only to be tortured or mistreated.
Instead thou master take my life in the kindest way, to rest forever out to pasture.
And know that when I am in heaven
God will reward you for your kindness & stewardship.
Your Beloved Stead

Sunday, January 11, 2009

You Heard It Here First!

So now we have evidence!

My Dad said, "Next time Haley rides ...."

I know we will capture some footage eventually of MR. Cowboy

himself riding Misty - hope itsa soft landing!

Stay tuned!


We finally got to indoor to ride - its been a long time & Misty was lazy!
Below are my barn pictures.... its coming along but it looks like it will be summer time before she is home!