Ok, we affially have 2 much snow. There has 2 be at least 2 or more feet out there. I don't like it, the horses probaly don't like having iceicals stuck to there mane, tail, and noses. And it's 2 COLD we would be lucky to get up to 30 degres in this weather!I know 4 a fact my trainer, my mom, and I don't enjoy freezing our butts off at the indoor, and nethier do our horses.
It's just too much, I can not wait until spring, being able to ride in our own arena and not have travel any were. And best 0f all u can't freeze your butt off!!!! Even Charlie agress with me!LOL I just resenlty added a video bar with more vids from the indoor and just some of my trainers horses.(birchridg)
he is so cute(charile)!
Does the pic show up on you're computer?
NO!! The pic does not show up on my computer!!:(Don't have any clue y it is NOT showing up!!
NO (jp) is usless to me now!!!!
now i love that pic of charlie he looks so cute and he's so funny!!!!!:)
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